KASTOR Work trousers

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5 (104 reviews)
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  • 44
  • 46
  • 48
  • 50
  • 52
  • 54
  • 56
  • 58
  • 60
  • 62
  • 64
  • 66


Functional work trousers
• straight & loose fit;
• fastening with zipper and buttons;
• hammer loop;
• two front pockets and a pocket for a mobile phone;
• two back pockets with flap and velcro;
• one left side pocket with flap and velcro;
• reinforced knees with kneepad pocket;
• partial elastic waist.
Fabric: 65% polyester, 35% cotton, 260 g/m²

EN ISO 13688

  • DC-KASTOR-TROUSERS-20316001-BG_20316001.46.pdf
  • DC-KASTOR-TROUSERS-20316001-EN_20316001.46.pdf

KASTOR Work trousers

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Деян Иванов

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Disadvantages: the smartphone does not fit in length (4cmm of the mobile phone looks out of the pocket) and I would have liked a double and slightly wider folding rule pocket - unfortunately only single and narrow in width, so that a pen almost no longer fits in.otherwise, I am happy to recommend it.please adapt the production accordingly - then it will certainly sell better.
Soweit, so gut mit Luft nach oben!Nachteiliges: die Smartphone passt nicht in der Länge (4cmm vom Handy schaut aus der Tasche raus).Eine doppelte und etwas breitere Zollstocktasche hätte ich mir sehr gewünscht- leider nur einfach und knapp in der Breite, sodass ein Kuli fast nicht mehr rein passt.An sonsten, empfehle ich es gerne weiter.Bitte die Herstellung am besten entsprechend anpassen- dann verkauft es sich sicher besser.
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Alois Venghaus

for 48 a little tight in the waistband
für 48 etwas eng im Bund
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Simone Prowatschke




Unfortunately ordered too small
Leider zu klein bestellt
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Nothing to complain about, top product
Gibts nix zu meckern, top Ware
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Andreas Budwig

Work trousers must fit in all positions
Arbeitshose muß in allen Lagen passen
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Dana Martonosi

Fits perfectly
Passt perfekt
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The trousers fit me perfectly. I'm 173 cm tall, slim, not skinny, with a mini tummy. Very good workmanship
Bei mir sitzt die Hose perfekt. Bin 173 cm groß, schlank, nicht mager, mit Minibauch. Sehr gute verarbeitung
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HelloI have been wearing these trousers every day for a year and three months at work in a DIY store (goods clearance). They are washed every week and are still in good condition. All the seams are in good condition and the Velcro fastening on the left leg pocket still works perfectly. The only problem was that a few threads came loose at the buttonhole on the waistband (or whatever it's called). This was a bit annoying for a while because you never knew which thread the button was behind. I cut away the threads and everything was fine again. The washing has made the orange a little paler and the fabric is also a little lighter above the knees (see photo), but the fabric is not torn or thin anywhere.I am 1.85 tall and weigh 90/92kg.size 50 fits me perfectly.I will definitely buy the trousers again.
HalloIch trage diese Hose jetzt seit einem Jahr und drei Monaten täglich bei der Arbeit in einem Baumarkt (Warenverräumung). Sie wird jede Woche gewaschen und ist noch immer heil. Alle Nähte sind in Ordnung und der Klettverschluss an der linken Beintasche funktioniert auch noch tadellos. Einzig an der Umnähung des Knopfloches vom Hosenbund, (oder wie auch immer das heißt) hatten sich Anfangs ein paar Fäden gelöst. Das war eine Zeitlang was lästig, weil man nie wusste hinter welchen Faden sich der Knopf eingefädelt hatte. Fäden weggeschnitten und schon war alles wieder gut. Durch das Waschen ist das Orange etwas blasser geworden und über den Knien ist der Stoff auch was heller (siehe Foto).Der Stoff ist aber noch nirgends gerissen oder dünn.Ich bin 1.85 groß und wiege 90/92kg.Größe 50 passt mir perfekt.Ich werde mir die Hose garantiert wieder kaufen.
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Manfred Imler

Fits perfectly in size 48! Seems to be well made. A long-term test is still pending! I can recommend it with a clear conscience.
Passt perfekt in Größe 48! Scheint gut verarbeitet zu sein. Ein Langzeittest ist noch ausständig! Kann ich guten Gewissens empfehlen.
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В© dp

These work trousers are neatly finished.The seams are partially triple stitched and make a solid impression.The contrasting coloured appliqués are visually appealing and make the trousers look even more valuable.The pockets have Velcro fasteners, which is useful as you can't get caught or tear off the buttons while working.The number of pockets is more than sufficient - the only thing I miss is a pocket for the metre rule, which is lower on the side and deep enough.The material is water-repellent, although a little lighter than usual.However, this is negligible at this price.I am satisfied.Therefore, a clear purchase recommendation from me:вђпёЏвђпёЏвђпёЏвђпёЂпёЏdp
Diese Arbeitshose ist ordentlich verarbeitet.Die Nähte sind teilweise dreifach gesetzt und machen einen soliden Eindruck.Die farblich abgesetzten Applikationen sind optisch reizvoll und machen die Hose von der Wirkung her noch wertiger.Die Taschen haben Klettverschlüsse, was sinnvoll ist, da man bei der Arbeit nicht hängen bleiben, oder die Knöpfe abreißen kann.Die Zahl der Taschen ist mehr als ausreichend - lediglich eine seitlich tiefer angeordnete und ausreichend tiefe Tasche für den Meterstab vermisse ich.Das Material ist wasserabweisend, wenn auch etwas leichter, als gewohnt.Das ist jedoch bei diesem Preis zu vernachlässigen.Ich bin zufrieden.Daher eine klare Kaufempfehlung von mir:в­ђпёЏв­ђпёЏв­ђпёЏв­ђпёЏв­ђпёЏdp
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Michael Syman.

I've had the trousers for a week now and haven't washed them yet. However, they look like sturdy workmanship where the seams don't unravel so quickly, very robust trousers with lots of pockets. Even the ruler pocket has a good shape and sits a little further back. The trousers have four pockets at the front, two with side access and two with access from the top and Velcro fastening tape.the yellow stripes on the pockets look very classy.the trousers fit very well and are also suitable for me with the stretch waistband, but as I bend a lot on the floor, the trousers did slip. A matching belt is essential for me.after the first few washes, a few loose threads can be discovered.conclusion cheap price and good quality.would order the trousers again. Of course only in grey / yellow for work in the warehouse, unfortunately my size is no longer available.
Habe die Hose jetzt eine Woche und noch nicht in der Wäsche gehabt. Sieht jedoch nach stabiler Verabeitungs aus, wo sich die Nähte nicht so schnell auflösen.Sehr robuste Hose mit vielen Taschen. Selbst die Zollstocktasche hat eine guten Form und sitzt etwas weiter hinten. So das man nicht hängen bleiben kann, wenn es um Kanten an einer Maschine geht.Die Hose hat vorne vier Taschen, zwei mit seitlichen Eingriff und zwei mit Eingriff von oben und Klett-Verschlussband.Die gelben Streifen an den Taschen wirken sehr edel.Die Hose sitzt zwar sehr gut und ist mit dem Strechbund auch passend fЕ«r mich, da ich mich jedoch viel auf den Boden bЕ«cke ist die Hose doch gerutscht. Ein passender Gürtel ist für mich unverzichtbar.Nach den ersten Waschgängen, sind doch ein paar lose Fäden zu entdecken.Fazit gЕ«nstiger Preis und gute Qualität.Würde die Hose nochmal bestellen. Natürlich nur in Grau / Gelb für die Arbeit im Lager.Leider ist meine Größe nicht mehr vorhanden.
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Fits perfectly and the length is also very good. And you also look good at work (as an aside, of course). The pockets are in the right place. Fabric itself feels good on the skin (no scratching or pinching.
Sitzt perfekt und die Länge ist auch sehr gut. Und man sieht bei der Arbeit auch noch gut aus (als natürlich nebensächlich 😉). Die Taschen sitzen am richtigen Platz. Stoff selbst fühlt sich auf der Haut gut an (kein kratzen oder zwicken.
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Amazon Customer


Werner Schartow

Very good ! Unpacked and put on, fits! I also ordered one for a colleague. The quality of the workmanship is also excellent!
Sehr gut ! Ausgepackt und angezogen , passt ! Habe für einen Kollegen auch eine bestellt. Auch die Qualität der Verarbeitung bestens!
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Uwe Din

I finally needed a new and durable pair of work trousers for our garden and the extension of a new bathroom - and so far these have served their purpose perfectly! For work trousers, they are lighter than normal jeans. Due to the relatively thin but very robust material, they are probably more suitable for warmer days and I recently wore them in temperatures of 10°C and below. But then you get cool relatively quickly if you don't move for a while.for my 1.78 and rather heavier 90kg I ordered the trousers in size 152. I always have problems with trousers, especially because of my rather strong legs from sport. I did very well with the 152. They were about two to three centimetres too long, but my wife simply re-sewed them, and the trousers are definitely tear-resistant, which I've already noticed with stones and thorn bushes. The large number of pockets - especially on the sides - is also really excellent and a lot fits in. It also has an excellent cut and follows your every move. No pulling, squeezing or pinching: DTgreat trousers at an unbeatable price! Absolutely recommended!
Ich brauchte für unseren Garten und den Ausbau eines neuen Badezimmers endlich mal eine neue und belastbare Arbeitshose - und bis jetzt erfüllt diese hier ihren Zweck perfekt ! für eine Arbeitshose ist sie leichter als eine normale Jeans. Durch das relativ dünne aber sehr robuste Material dürfte sie sich vor allem eher für wärmere tage eigenen.Ich hatte sie auch vor kurzem auch bei 10В°C und weniger an. Da wird einem dann aber doch relativ schnell kühl wenn man sich dann doch etwas länger nicht bewegt.für meine 1,78 und eher kräftigeren 90kg habe ich mir die Hose in der Größe 152 bestellt. Vor allem wegen meiner ziemlich kräftigen beine vom Sport habe ich bei Hosen immer wieder Probleme. mit der 152 bin ich sehr gut gefahren. Sie war zwar etwa zwei bis drei Zentimeter zu lang, aber das hat meine Frau einfach fix umgenäht.Reißfest ist die Hose auf jeden Fall, was ich auch schon merken konnte an Steinen und Dorngebüschen. Auch die große Anzahl der Taschen - vor allem an den Seiten - ist wirklich hervorragend und es passt auch viel rein. Außerdem ist sie hervorragend geschnitten und macht alle Bewegungen mit. Kein ziehen, drücken oder abkneifen :DTolle Hose zum unschlagbaren Preis ! absolut zu empfehlen !
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I wear these trousers almost every day at work and so far I can't say much negative about them, they fit well, are comfortable to wear and have lots of pockets to store all sorts of things. So far they have lasted without showing any major signs of wear. Here and there a thread has come loose, but nothing really dramatic. The colour hasn't suffered from many washes either. I can recommend them and would buy them again.
Ich trage diese Hose fast täglich bei der Arbeit und kann bisher nicht viel negatives berichten.Sie sitzt gut, ist angenehm zu tragen und hat vielen Taschen um alles mögliche zu verstauen. Bisher hät sie ohne irgenwelche größeren Spuren zu zeigen. Hier und da ein Faden, der sich löst, jedoch nichts was wirklich dramatisch wäre. Auch die Farbe hat bisher unter vielen Wäschen nicht gelitten. Ich kann sie empfehlen und würde sie wieder kaufen.
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I ordered the trousers for my husband. He feels comfortable in them and that's the main thing. A little too long, but he beats them around, he is about 1.78 cm. My husband has a bit of a belly, but with an extension that's completely ok. I think the material is good quality.
Hab die Hose für meinen man bestellt. Er fühlt sich wohl darin und das ist die Hauptsache. Etwas zu lang, aber er schlägt sie um, er ist ca 1,78 cm. Mein mann hat etwas Bauch, aber mit einer Verlängerung ist das völlig o. K.Material finde ich, ist eine gut Qualität.
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Micha Arnold

They had their first use today. Comfortable, pleasant material and lots of pockets. No static charge when leaving the car. The workmanship is right. I felt completely comfortable today.
Die hatte heute ihren ersten Einsatz. Bequem, angenehmes Material und viele Taschen. Keine statische Aufladung beim verlassen des Autos. Die Verarbeitung stimmt. Ich habe mich heute rundum wohlgefühlt.
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Price / performance of this article is top.longevity under 100% use can not yet be evaluated. But fits well and is light and comfortable.
Preis /Leistung bei diesem Artikel ist Top.Langlebigkeit unter 100% Nutzung kann noch nicht bewertet werden. Passt aber gut und ist leicht und bequem.
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Melanie MГјnster

Top everything super
Top alles super
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Marco Gangl

Perfect work trousers. Exactly what I need. The pockets are perfectly positioned and sufficient for my work.
Perfekte arbeitshose. Genau so wie ich es brauche. für meine Arbeiten sind die Taschen perfekt platziert und genügen vorhanden.
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Fast delivery, quality is reasonably good, have them for 1 year now and the trousers are slowly tearing at the seams. I work in a DIY store and have to walk a lot
Schnelle Lieferung, Qualität geht einigermaßen klar, hab sie jetzt 1jahr und langsam reisst die Hose an den nähten. Arbeite in einem baumarkt und muss halt viel laufen
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A. Blumberg

Good, inexpensive work trousers - unfortunately a little too big. That's why they had to be sent back. I am therefore unable to judge their long-term quality.
Gute, günstige Arbeitshose - fällt leider etwas zu groß aus. Deshalb musste sie zurückgeschickt werden. Langzeitqaulität kann ich daher nicht beurteilen.
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Looks good and the fabric is very comfortable unfortunately a little too small.
Sieht gut aus und der Stoff ist sehr angenehm leider etwas zu klein.
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The trousers sit and fit really well. Now they just have to cope with everyday life.
Die Hose sitzt und paßt echt super. Jetzt muß sie nur noch den Alltag meistern.
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Patrick Nicola

Product exactly as described
Produkt genau wie beschrieben
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Barbara Hummel

The trousers have a great fit
Die Hose hat eine super Passform
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Sandra Klein

Great value for money
Preis-Leistung ist super
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Zaneta Mägdefessel

Price okay, fits well, nothing to complain about
Preis okay, passt gut, nicht auszusetzen
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Price performance absolutely ok. After a few washes the trousers lose their colour and some threads come loose in the inside pockets which then get caught on keys, for example. But as I said, you can't expect anything else for the price, I think it's ok. I have already bought the trousers twice, once in white (painter) and once in dark brown (for the workshop).
Preis Leistung absolut ok. Nach einigen Wäschen verliert die Hose ihre Farbe und in den Hosentaschen drinnen lösen sich irgendwelche Fäden die dann an zb. Schlüsseln hängen bleiben. Aber wie gesagt für den Preis kann man nichts anderes erwarten, ich finde es ganz ok. Habe die Hose schon 2x gekauft, einmal in weiß (Maler) und in dunkelbraun (für die Werkstatt).
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Trousers have lots of pockets, some open and some with Velcro fasteners. The colour is as described, a little long at 173cm tall, but doesn't really bother me with work shoes, but unfortunately the trousers are unusable after half a year because they are torn at the crotch. However, as this is usually the case with well-known manufacturers and work trousers usually have holes somewhere over time (at least on my husband), I think the trousers are okay for the price. We have therefore already bought them twice and would still buy them again
Hose hat sehr viele Taschen, teils offen oder mit Klettverschluss. Die Farbe ist wie beschrieben, etwas lang bei Körpergröße 173cm, stört jedoch mit Arbeitsschuhen nicht wirklich.Hose nach einem halben Jahr leider schon unbrauchbar, da sie im Schritt gerissen ist. Da dies jedoch bei namhaften Herstellern aus meist der Fall ist und Arbeitshosen meist überall mit der Zeit (zumindest bei meinem Mann) irgendwo Löcher haben, finde ich die Hose für den Preis okay. Haben sie daher schon 2 mal gekauft und würde sie auch trotzdem wieder kaufen
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stephanie bunten

I bought these trousers for my son because he is training to be a painter. They fit great and are much cheaper than the other suppliers. I am very satisfied
Die Hose habe ich meinem Sohn gekauft, weil er eine Maler Ausbildung macht. Passt super und ist wesentlich günstiger als die anderen Anbieter. Bin sehr zufrieden
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super fast delivery, good quality, fits perfectly
super schnelle lieferung, gute qalität , passt herforragend
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Dietmar Luft

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Bianka Hohnstein

I ordered the work trousers in size 48 for my daughter, she is 172 cm and wears size 38/40, the trousers fit perfectly, they go up nice and high at the waist, so they also slip down when bending over or kneeling down. The pockets have plenty of room for a folding rule, pliers, screwdriver, cutter knife etc. My daughter finds the trousers comfortable, practical and robust. They have been in use for a year now.
Ich habe die Arbeitshose in Gr. 48 für meine Tochter bestellt, sie 172 cm und trägt Gr. 38/40, die Hose passt perfekt, sie geht am Bund schön weit hoch, so rutscht sie auch runter beim bücken oder hinknieen. In die Taschen passt viel rein, wie Zollstock, Zange, Schraubenzieher, Cuttermesser usw. Meine Tochter findet die Hose bequem, praktisch und auch robust. Sie ist seit einem Jahr im Einsatz.
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Gordiev rushan

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Martin Fehr

Trousers fit well in size 58, pockets and seams are well made. I am satisfied.
Hose passt gut in Größe 58. Taschen und Nähte sind gut verarbeitet. Bin zufrieden.
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Carmelo Prados Lopez

Very good and also comfortable
Sehr gut und auch komfortabel
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Amin Mirzada

The quality is good
Die Qualität ist gut
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Education for my son
Ausbildung für mein Sohn
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Everything top
Alles Top
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Daniel ke

From the fit to the quality, always a pleasure to wear - almost like branded Strauss work trousers
Von der Passform bis zur Qualität immer wieder gerne ist fast wie eine Marken arbeitshose Strauss
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Fits well and also holds something similar to engelbertstrauss active series
Passt gut und hällt auch was aus ähnlich zu engelbertstrauß aktive reihe
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Amazon Kunde





After wearing them for 5 months I can highly recommend these trousers. The trousers have lots of pockets and are no worse than the expensive ostrich trousers!
Nach 5 Monate tragen kann ich diese Hose sehr empfehlen. Die Hose hat viele Taschen und ist nicht schlechter als die teuren Strauß Hosen!Must have für gesunde Knie!!!
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I bought the trousers for my husband. The trousers fit perfectly and are very robust and easy to clean. For the price, I would have expected poorer quality and was pleasantly surprised. Always happy to return
Ich habe die Hose für meinen Mann gekauft. Die Hose passt perfekt und ist sehr robust und einfach zu reinigen. Bei dem Preis hätte ich eine schlechtere Qualität erwartet und wurde positiv überrascht. Immer wieder gerne
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Lots of nice pockets. Seems a bit tight or I'm thicker than I thought, is a bit long. Is in the squat but then quite good.
Viele schöne taschen. Wirkt bischen eng oder ich bin dicker als gedacht.Ist etwas lang. Ist in der hocke dann aber ganz gut.
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Andreas M.

Super trousers lots of pockets, you can't go wrong with them
Super Hose viele Taschen, kann man nichts mit falsch machen
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Product and delivery top k
Produkt und Lieferung Top k
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Trousers arrived on the day announced. Fits almost like a glove, trouser legs a little too long, but this is negligible.
Hose kam am angekündigtem Tag. Passt fast wie angegossen, Hosenbeine etwas zu lang, was aber zu vernachlässigen ist.
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Amazon Kunde


Amazon Kunde



Fast and cheap but very good
Optik gut.
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Osman Г§etinkaya

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Norbert Lang

I would order again immediately
würde ich sofort wieder Bestellen
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Amazon Kunde


User 60

The trousers look great and perform absolutely as expected. Very nice work trousers. A little tight at the waist, I would have liked the integrated elasticated waistband to be adjustable on both sides. But my wife already has a solution. So far everything is perfect!!!
Hose sieht super gut aus und gibt absolut die Funktion her, die man erwartet. Sehr schöne Arbeitshose. Am Bund etwas knapp, hätte mir gewünscht, das der eingearbeitete Gummibund an beide Seiten verstellbar wäre. Aber meine Frau hat schon eine Lösung. Soweit alles perfekt!!!
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Lukas Julius

Very comfortable with lots of pockets
Sehr bequem mit vielen Taschen
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Kai Wolters

for the price the trousers are top
für den Preis ist die Hose top
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It was probably the wrong size that we had ordered. That's not the supplier's fault. It's the customer's ego. However, it would be nice if there were also sizes for smaller people and waist sizes for workwear. What is missing at the waist is too long at the legs. Attention!
Es war wohl die falsche Größe, die wir bestellt hatten. Dafür kann der Lieferant nichts. Das ist das Ego des Bestellers. Schön wäre es allerdings, wenn es bei Arbeitskleidung auch Größen für kleinere Leute und Bauchweiten gibt. Was am Bund fehlt ist an den Beinen zu lang. Achtung!
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Amazon Kunde



good elasticity good fit
Il pantalone in questione esattamente quello che cercavo per il lavoro: varie tasche per poter riporre davvero di tutto. Due pecche peráІ non gli fanno guadagnare la quinta stella: in primo luogo il fatto che sia un po' rigido e dunque compromettendo parzialmente la vestibilitá . Ma forse il limite evidente la qualitá  delle cuciture che dopo qualche mese iniziano a dare i primi segni di cedimento, soprattutto quelle delle tasche.
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I give 5 stars because the quality/price ratio is definitely good. Good workmanship, good materials, they are for mid-season because they are not heavy but not very light either. I find them quite comfortable, personally I wear a 48 and I bought a 48 and I am happy with them. They are quite wide at the thigh and calf, I made them slightly narrower because I prefer them tight.
Do 5 stelle perchá il rapporto qualitá /prezzo á sicuramente buono.Discreta fattura, buoni materiali, sono per la mezza stagione perchá non sono pesanti ma nemmeno leggerissimi.Li trovo abbastanza comodi, personalmente porto una 48 e ho comprato una 48 trovandomi bene.Sono piuttosto larghi sia sulla coscia che sui polpacci, io li ho fatti leggermente stringere perchá li preferisco stretti.
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I have recently purchased several work trousers here on Amazon, of all the models purchased this one clearly the best, perfect waist and leg size, right pockets in the right place and robust synthetic materials. I also recommend it in relation to the price.
Ho recentemente acquistato diversi pantaloni da lavoro qui su Amazon, di tutti i modelli acquistati questo nettamente il migliore, taglia vita e gamba perfetti, tasche giuste al posto giusto e materiali sintetici e robusti. Lo consiglio anche in rapporto al prezzo.
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The trousers are well made with lots of pockets that can be used to store all the tools, the knee protectors are also good and they look good! They are very comfortable to wear and also protect quite well from the cold if used in cool weather.I recommend the purchase without any hesitation.If you found this review useful, please click the appropriate button.
Il pantalone fatto bene con tante tasche utilizzabili per mettere tutti gli attrezzi, buone anche le protezioni sulle ginocchia ed esteticamente ben riusciti!Si indossano molto comodamente, e proteggono anche abbastanza bene dal freddo se utilizzati nelle stagioni fresche.Consiglio l'acquisto senza alcuna esitazione.Se avete trovato utile questa recensione, vi prego di cliccare l'apposito tasto.Cosᬠfacendo consiglierete l'acquisto anche ad altri utenti Amazon.Grazie
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Good product fit good recommendable. Pockets indispensable for those who do a job and need to have everything to hand.
Buon prodotto vestibilitá  buona consigliabile .Tasche indispensabili per chi fa un lavoro che ha bisogno di avere tutto a portata di mano.
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Ale &MapiAle &Mapi

I am using these work trousers mainly when I go to the mountains in the middle of the woods where there are brambles that sting and tear the clothes. These are very durable and have many pockets designed in a targeted manner. In addition to the two back pockets, there are two very large front pockets and two small side pockets suitable for holding various work tools such as keys, tape measure, pencils, phones and so on.The waistband is very elasticated and there are belt loops. The fit is in line with the sizes, maybe slightly tight but not that much, I have tested the 52 and I use trousers of the same size. In my case they are slightly long, I am 1.72 cm tall and so I will shorten it by about 374 cm.The thickness of the fabric is somewhere between thin and thick, but as it is very loose on the legs it can also be worn in the summer. In winter I'm afraid it's a bit cold, but just put on a winter undergarment and the problem is solved. In short, the product is of good quality and the price I found it interesting. suitable for all types of work from gardening to construction sites. or simply for hiking in the mountains without ruining the good clothes.
Questi pantaloni da lavoro li sto usando principalmente per quando vado in montagna in mezzo ai boschi dove ci sono rovi che pungono e strappano i vestiti.Questi sono molto resistenti e da tantissime tasche studiate in modo miratoinfatti oltre alle due tasche posteriori. ne abbiamo due d'avanti molto larghe e due laterali piccole adatte a tenere con se diversi strumenti da lavoro come chiavi metro matite telefoni e cosi via.La vite molto elasticizzata e comunque si trovani dei passanti per la cinturaLa sua vestibilitá  in linea con le taglie forse leggermente stretta ma non di tanto io ho testato la 52 e uso pantaloni della stessa taglia.Nel mio caso sono leggermente lunghi, sono alto 1,72 cm e quindi lo accorceráІ di circa 374 cm.Lo spessore del tessuto una via di mezzo tra sottile e spesso. ma essendo molto largo sulle gambe puáІ essere portato anche durante l'estate. in iverno temo che sia un páІ freddolino. ma basta mettersi un indumento intimo di tipo invernale e il problema risolto.Le chiusure delle tasche sono tutte in velcro e penso che con l'andare del tempo questi si possono rovinare specialmente se si usano in posti polverosi. ma nulla di grave in quanto volendo possono essere scucite e metterne altre nuove.insomma il prodotto e di buona qualitá  il prezzo l'ho trovato interessante. adatto per tutti i tipi di lavoro da quello del giardinaggio ai cantieri edili. o semplicemente per escursioni in montagna senza rovinare i vestiti buoni.
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Arti G.

hard-wearing fabric - lots of convenient pockets - I would not recommend them for working in July (howeverІ you have to consider the strength of the material) if they were light they probably would not be so hard-wearing.
tessuto resistente - tante e comode tasche - non li consiglierei per lavorare a luglio (peráІ si deve considerare la robustezza del materiale) se fossero leggeri probabilmente non sarebbero cosᬠresistenti.
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Francesco Sommese

It is a good trouser, the size 54 corresponds to my size (it fits my leg a little wide but it is fine for work), the fabric is of good quality and very durable, the finish is adequate, the multiple pockets are useful but I would make the one for the smartphone a little high which, in my case, sticks out a little. I waited longer than usual to receive it. I recommend it
E' un buon pantalone, la taglia 54 corrisponde alla mia misura (veste di gamba un poco largo ma va bene per il lavoro), il tessuto di buona qualitá  e molto resistente, le finiture sono adeguate, le molteplici tasche sono utili ma farei un po' alta quella per lo smartphone che, nel mio caso, esce un po' fuori. Ho atteso del solito per riceverlo. Lo consiglio
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Taken for my husband.Very good workmanship and fit.Resistant and perfect even after washing.Very satisfied.I will takeІ another pair.
Presi per mio marito.Ottima fattura e vestibilitá .Resistenti e perfetto anche dopo il lavaggio.Molto soddisfatta.Ne prenderáІ un altro paio.
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Excellent product, size S fits like a glove!
perfetti comprati per il nuovo lavoro di mio marito e sono ottimi tasche ok e con i lavaggi reggono bene
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The trousers are very comfortable and with many versatile pockets, the only flaw is that even having taken a large size model at the screw it tightens a little because of the elastic bands present. The colour is the top and the sturdiness too as it's not very warm and for winter anyway being on the move it has good breathability.
Il pantalone molto comodo e con molte tasche versatili, l'unica pecca che anche avendo preso un modello di una taglia grande alla vite stringe un pochino per via di elastici presenti. Il colore il top e la robustezza anche in quanto non molto caldo e per l'inverno comunque stando in movimento ha una buona traspiranza.
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Very good product on a technical level and corresponding to the description. Durable fabric but not too stiff. Machine-washable even at medium temperatures.
Prodotto molto buono a livello tecnico e corrispondente alla descrizione. Tessuto resistente ma non troppo rigido. Si lava bene in lavatrice anche a temperature medie.
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I used it today after its arrival yesterday...the curiosity to wear a nice pair of work trousers with the shoes I own and bought on eBay...the design is fabulous...optimal facilitation of movement despite having a significantly heavy fabric....even the muggy day today with a day spent at 30 degrees around the deliveries and then to several move to download lower the ramp of the van ... and movements are a little hindered but only the feeling that you feel with the knee in contact with the robustness of the fabric ... function with its many pockets ... I recommend it to all those who need the use of such clothing ...
Lho usato oggi stesso dopo il suo arrivo avvenuto ieri...la curiositá  di indossare un bel pantalone da lavoro abbinato alle scarpe che possiedo e acquistate sempre su eBay...il design e favoloso...ottimale dell'agevolazione dei movimenti nonostante abbia un tessuto significativamente pesante...anche la giornata afosa di oggi con una giornata passata a 30 gradi in giro per le consegne e quindi a diversi muovere per scaricare abbassare la rampa del furgone...e movimenti risultano un poco ostacolati ma solo la sensazione che si prova col ginocchio a contatto con la robustezza del tessuto...funzione con le sue molte tasche...lo consiglio a tutti quelli che necessitano l'utilizzo di tale abbigliamento...
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Garden Lab

Good fabric, like the trousers, is robust but not very breathable, ideal for the cold season, with appropriate clothing underneath. Some pockets (such as the phone pocket, too small for today's mobile phones) are useless or impractical.
Usati per lavori di giardinaggio,hanno una vestibilitá  molto abbondante che nella stagione fredda permette di tenere sotto un altro pantalone.in primavera ancora si possono utilizzare ma quando inizia a fare caldo il tessuto poco traspiranterisulterá  molto caldo.Un punto a favore per il tessuto,spesso e resistente non trattiene lo sporco e,lavorando con il decespugliatore, attutisce bene sassolini e detriti che spesso schizzano sulle gambe
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Cliente Amazon


giacomo g.

The product is good value for money. The material is rather durable and heavy and I would not recommend it at all for the summer season. In particular, it has plenty of pockets. It has a good dye that does not fade even after numerous washes. The trousers have a rather long leg compared to the waist which I find a bit tight: I would recommend a size up and shortening.
Nel rapporto qualitá /prezzo il prodotto buono. Il materiale piuttosto resistente e pesante e non lo consiglierei affatto per la stagione estiva. In particolare ha tasche molto capienti e parecchie. Ha una buona tintura che non scolorisce anche dopo numerosi lavaggi. Il pantalone ha la gamba piuttosto lunga rispetto alla vita che trovo un po' stretta: consiglio una taglia in e accorciare.
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All right....ma and very light
Ottimo prodotto, il secondo che acquisto e stravolta ho voluto prendere una taglia in meno, unico problema che nonostante io sia alto i pantaloni sarebbero un po' lunghi, ma non importa, eventualmente li accorceráі. Tessuto resistente e ben rifinito.1,85 x 130kg ho preso una taglia 60.
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Excellent work trousers that I use on the farm. Months later they have no rips or discolouration from washing. Perfect size and in line with the normal jeans sizes I use.
Ottimi pantaloni da lavoro che uso in azienda agricola. A distanza di mesi non presentano scuciture o scolorimenti dovuti ai lavaggi. Taglia perfetta e in linea alle normali taglie di jeans che utilizzo.
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Cliente Amazon


Cliente Amazon


Andrea Catanesi

Fantastic product, I didn't think they were so durable and beautiful, a real bargain, fast and spectacular recommended + + +
Fantastico prodotto, non credevo fossero cosᬠresistenti e belli, un vero affare, veloce e spettacolare consigliato + + + +
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Excellent material and structure of the trousers, the numerous pockets ( what I was looking for ) are very comfortable and very durable, recommended to everyone !!!
Materiale e struttura del pantalone ottima, le numerose tasche ( quello che cercavo ) sono comodissime e molto resistenti, consigliato a tutti !!!
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Bellissimo, ho preso una taglia in e mi calza perfettamente, il materiale e molto resistente.........ne compreráІ un altro sicuramente
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Jose Antonio & family

We have received these trousers, and as soon as they arrived I put them on to try them on, and to be honest I am very happy with them. The size is correct, although I recognise that for comfort at work it would be better to always ask for one size more than the one that corresponds to us, (in this or any other trousers of any brand). It has a lot of pockets on the legs to put gloves, tape, pens, etc., and they are great. It also has a pocket for my mobile phone, although I won't use it for that. The colour scheme of blue, red and phosphor red seems to me to be very well combined. It also has a series of reflective details that help to be better seen, although in the case of work on public roads they are scarce to be seen.It has a number of details that I like as is the reinforcement in the knees of double fabric, and the hole to put a knee pads, as well as one of the loops is velcro to help remove them quickly without removing the strap, for example if you need to remove an accessory that is carried on the strap.the quality of the fabric is good and the confecciion tambiónSo highly recommended.
Nos ha llegado este pantalion, y nada mas llegar me lo he puesto para probarlo, y la verdad estoy muy contento con el. La talla es la correcta, si bien reconozco que por comodidad en el trabajo seria mejor siempre pedir una talla mas de la que nos corresponde, (en este u otro pantalion de cualquier marca). Tiene multitud de bolsillos en las piernas para poder meter guantes, cinta mótrica, lapices etc, y van fenomenal. Trae ademas uno para meter el miovil, si bien yo para eso no lo usare. el juego de colores en tre azul, rojo y rojo fosforito me parece muy bien combinado. posee ademas una serie de detalles reflectantes que ayudan a ser mejor vistos, si bien en caso hacer trabajos en la ví­a publica son escasos para ser vistos.Tiene una serie de detalles que me gustan como es el refuerzo en las rodillas de doble tela, y el hueco para meter una rodilleras, así­ como que una de las trabillas es de velcro para ayudar a quitíárselas ríápidamente sin necesidad de retirar la correa, por si por ejemplo se necesita quitar un accesorio que se lleve en la correa.La calidad de la tela es buena y de la confecciion tambiónPor tanto altamente recomendables
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Antonio manuel herera cidoncha

I liked it
Me ha gustado
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Jim Franklin

I often struggle with work trousers, I prefer Dickies and Caterpillar, but they are all made in China now and they thing all Westerners are skinny with short legs - at 6ft 4" and 265Ib I am neither, it is always hard to find trousers that are comfortable, and these fit the bill.The pockets are large enough for my needs, not too many pockets so I spend 30 minutes looking for something and the semi elasticated waistband is briolliant - personally, I thin ALL means trousers should be partly elasticated, especially work trousers.My only observation to the manufacturers would be the number of belt loops...there should be more, especially on the sides, and some D loops on the side would be good for clipping keys etc... Except for that - faultless.



Can't get better for the price ! Only thing I would say is elasticated waist could do with a bit of padding ? Ok with t-shirt tucked in but not on bare skin.



Robust and comfortable




Антон Георгиев

Very comfortable, sturdy and practical! I recommend!
Много удобен, здрав и практичен! Препоръчвам!
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andriyan antonov

Modern and functional design, the fabric is durable
Модерен и функционален дизайн, материята е издържлива
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Антон Тодоров

I like this product. Sturdy, comfortable. I recommend it!
Харесвам този продукт. Здрав, удобен. Препоръчвам го!
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Виолета Маркова

I chose to vote because the merchandise offered is quality and at the best price. The people are honest and expeditious in fulfilling my orders. The online store is easily accessible and at a very good level of customer service.
Избрах да гласувам, защото предлаганите стоки са качествени и на най-добра цена. Хората са коректни и експедитивни в изпълнение на поръчките ми. Онлайн магазина е лесно достъпен и на много добро ниво на обслужване на клиентите си.
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Pedro miguel TELLO TANDAZO

They are very fast and their products are very good
Sao muito rapidos seus produtos sao muito bons
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Слав Стефанов

Comfortable and sturdy.
Удобен и здрав.
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